Giving Back

image: USGS | Unsplash

At QUest Geomatics, we know we are only as strong as the community surrounding us.

That’s why we choose to give back to the amazing places in which we operate, in the hope of leaving our communities and the land we love so much better than we found them.

Jasper Alberta Wildfire Appeal

Canada is known for its natural beauty. Spanning mountain vistas, emerald green lakes, deep, thick forests and rivers that cut through the land like a hot knife through butter. Stunning sights, no matter where you look and this gift of nature is something Canadians and visitors from around the world take full advantage of to enjoy and explore. 


Unfortunately, this gift of Mother Nature’s grander and splendor also comes with her sometimes brutal ability to destroy and reshape that gift, anyway she sees fit. And we as Canadians are often powerless to stop it or even slow it down. This awesome fury was on display in Jasper National Park in late July and early August of 2024. Forest fires with flames as high as 400 feet ripped through the park and eventually made their way to the Town of Jasper. The flames were ruthless and depending on where someone lived in that historic mountain town, determined whether they lost everything or were spared. The odds were unknown and terribly unfair to way too many.


When the flames were quashed and the damage assessed, just under half the town was burnt to the ground. Livelihoods, schools. businesses and serene mountain beauty and tranquility were utterly destroyed in the span of a couple days. Most have been allowed to return to survey the damage and begin to rebuild their lives. But what they found was more shocking then they expected and many required more assistance than they could provide for themselves.


Quest Geomatics, a proud Albertan and Canadian company, heard the call of the Alberta Wildfire Appeal on behalf of those who live in Jasper, and together with their employees and both National and Provincial matching programs, raised over $7600 to donate to the fund. This contribution will be used to help the people and the Town of Jasper rebuild and restore their picturesque mountain village and it is just another way that Quest Geomatics gives back. 

Alberta Wildfire Relief

Wildfires occur and effect many people in many ways, those who are living in the path of the flames can experience life changes that lasts a lifetime. They are often left with nothing and barely escape with their loved ones and the clothing on their back.

With out-of-control blazes in both Northern and Western Alberta, fuelled by dry conditions and blustery winds, these fires have destroyed significanthectares of our land, inhabited by both forests and families. Scorched earth is all that is left behind and thousands of people have been forced to flee for their lives.

After they have gotten out alive, these families often have no where to go and the farther they flee south, the further they get from their lives and all they built for their loved ones. They have nothing to eat, no where to live and nothing to wear. They need all the necessities of life and organizations like the Red Cross, and their Fire Relief Fund, step in to fill the void and do whatever they can to help.

Quest Geomatics and its employees, believes you are only as strong as the community that surrounds you, has thoughtfully and graciously donated over $13,000 in cooperation with both Federal and Provincial matching programs, to the Red Cross Fire Relief Fund. We believe that Albertans deserve to have a safe home, wherever they roam, and is just another way Quest gives back


Hurricane Fiona Red Cross Support

Hurricanes can be some of the most deadly disasters this world has ever seen. They blow in from over the ocean and when they hit land, they destroy everything in their path. Coastal communities often take the brunt of the storm, with nowhere to run. All they can do is hunker down and wait for the storm to pass and hope that it spares their lives. Often when they come out of hiding, with their lives intact, they realize that their livelihood has been destroyed. Businesses are blindsided, cars are flipped and homes, filled with memories are torn to shreds. 


Hurricane Fiona was one of these storms, slamming into the eastern Canadian provinces in September 2022. Lives were forever changed. Canadians were forced to endure nature’s powerful force and were in need of everything. Food, shelter, clothing and other necessities of life were the first things they needed to live another day. Then they looked to start to rebuild their lives. These necessities, these services all required infrastructure, government aid organizations and donations for everyday Canadians.


Quest Geomatics, a company that firmly believes that you are only as strong as the communities you serve, banded together and in cooperation with government matching programs, donated $9000 to the Canadian Red Cross. We believe that while nature can change your life, it doesn’t have to ruin it and we all need to be there for one another and is just another way Quest Geomatics gives back. 

Red Cross Support for Ukraine

War. Who honestly is it good for? It’s definitely not good for the country of Ukraine or its proud and determined citizens whose lives have been thrown into disarray and conflict.


With the invasion of Russian troops through their sovereign borders, many Ukrainians have been forced to flee the attacking invaders. Offshore and aerial bombardment along with the advancing troops have meant that no one is safe and many have made their way west to escape unimaginable destruction and death.


More than a million Ukrainian women, children and seniors have made a mass exodus and that number is growing daily as more of their country is occupied. This has created the largest humanitarian crisis in Europe since the Second World War and numerous allied countries and aid agencies are on the ground attempting to provide the necessities of life for these innocent bystanders, who are just trying to survive.


Quest Geomatics, a company that believes that you are only as strong as the community that surrounds you, has generously donated $10,000, in cooperation with national matching programs, to the Red Cross and their global aid effort for the Ukrainian people. We believe that everyone has the right to be free and safe and is just another way Quest gives back. 

Unicef Canada Support

The last two years have been challenging for Quest, Canadians as well as people all around the world from both a mental and physical health perspective.

A light at the end of the tunnel appeared in the way of a vaccine that could help the world get back on its feet again, all it takes is a couple shots in the arm enabling “normal” life to continue for all.

UNICEF Canada put out a national call to raise money to help deliver vaccines around the world, to places that haven’t received any in the face of growing illness and death. 

Quest Geomatics, a company that stands on the notion of supporting the communities and the world it serves, gathered together as a family and through national matching programs, raised $4000 for the global vaccination cause. We believe that everyone deserves the chance to see the end of COVID-19 together and is just another way Quest gives back.

BC Wildfire Aid

Wildfires can be random and devastating to both nature and humans alike. British Columbia is no stranger to this natural disaster, and every year the province sees their fair share of wildfires throughout the summer months. In 2017, Northern BC was hit by intense wildfires that destroyed both natural and human resources. Smoke was carried as far east as Saskatchewan, a thick haze serving as a constant reminder of Mother Nature’s awesome power.

Residents fled with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Firefighters and emergency services from around the country and the world rushed in to help.

Quest’s employees banded together, amassing $3020 of their own money to donate to relief efforts. Touched by their generosity, Quest Geomatics matched the donation dollar for dollar. Together, we sent $6040 to help this ravaged region of Canada and is just another way that Quest Geomatics gives back.

Calgary & Southern Alberta Flood Relief and Recovery

In June of 2013, Calgary and southern Alberta were hit by the some of the worst flooding this part of the country had experienced in over a century. Lives were lost, homes were destroyed and our community was forever changed.

In the midst of this horrible natural disaster, a spirit of togetherness and hope arose. Strangers became comrades, friends became foremen and everyone banded together to help those in need. Roving teams of volunteers armed with wheelbarrows, shovels and rubber boots took to the streets to help in any way they could.

Quest’s team stepped up to volunteer their time and talents and help clean up the mess left behind. With our office operations had been shut down due to a waterlogged downtown, our employees took to the streets helping in any way that they could. Quest Geomatics compensated them for it.

Once the company resumed regular operations, our team found another way to help. Through their incredible generosity, over $51,000 was donated to flood relief organizations in the Calgary region. Those organizations include:

Calgary Foundation
Calgary Zoo
Mission Possible *
Red Cross
Samaritan’s Place

As a company, we thank our amazing team who went out of their way help others in tremendous need and its just another way Quest Geomatics gives back.

Fort McMurray Fire Relief

In May of 2016, Fort McMurray and the surrounding area were engulfed in a devastating wildfire. Whole communities were lost, and hardworking Albertans were profoundly affected by nature’s awesome and destructive power.

The wildfire enveloped Fort McMurray in blistering heat, intense flame and suffocating smoke for weeks. Residents were forced to flee, moving further and further south. Some travelled as far as Calgary to wait for news of their loved ones and property. Police, EMS and firefighters from around the country and the world battled the blaze. Thanks to actions of sacrifice, determination, caring and heroism, no one lost their life to the blaze.

The loss of property and livelihood was deeply felt throughout the region. Residents returned to find nothing but the burned-out foundations where their homes had once stood. Images on the nightly news showed the level of destruction to both property and lives.

Quest Geomatics stepped forward to help in any way we could. In coordination with provincial and federal government matching programs, our employees donated $7500 to Red Cross Relief Efforts and its just another way Quest Geomatics gives back. 

Humboldt Broncos SUPPORT

Hockey and Canada are forever connected. Many fondly recall the first time we held a hockey stick and took our first precarious steps on the ice. The hockey community itself is a closely-knit one. From local rinks through to professional stadiums, everyone looks out for each other. Junior hockey is the lifeblood of small towns where all come together to cheer on the players.

In April 2018, the community of Humboldt was struck by unimaginable tragedy. When a semi truck collided with the Humboldt Broncos Junior Hockey Team bus on a rural Saskatchewan road, sixteen team members were killed and others wounded both physically and emotionally.

This accident left the community and the country reeling.

As the town, province and country mourned the loss and injury to these young souls, Canadians took it upon themselves to help in any way they could. They placed hockey sticks on their front steps, wore jerseys at work, and catered supplies and money to help the families and the town. A GoFundMe was set up with the goal of raising four million dollars. This goal was met, then doubled.

As hockey lovers and Canadians, Quest Geomatics was pleased to raise $3240 in support of the community of Humboldt. May there always be a hockey night in Canada and this just another way Quest Geomatics gives back.

In 2012, Quest Geomatics created a photo contest to help post-secondary geomatics students financially. To enter, students just had to take a picture of a scenic landscape outside their window. The student with the top picture would win money towards their tuition and have their prized picture featured on the website.

This contest has since grown into a regular event and is just another way of how Quest Geomatics gives back.